JDI houses the Canadian Economic Association (CEA)’s Canadian Macroeconomics Study Group (CMSG), providing administrative and financial support, and contributing to the leadership of the organization. CMSG organizes the macroeconomics sessions for the CEA’s annual meetings, and hosts its own annual study group conference. The study group is open to all CEA researchers working in macroeconomics and related fields.
Additionally, the Macroeconomics group at Queen’s also hosts the annual Frontiers in Macroeconomics conference and workshop series at the QED.
Queen’s affiliated faculty: Allen Head (Queen’s study group lead), Brant Abbott, Mons Chan, Thorsten Koeppl, Beverly Lapham, Huw Lloyd-Ellis, Amy Hongfei Sun, Frederic Temblay, Ming Xu
JDI houses the Canadian Economic Association (CEA)’s Canadian Public Economics Study Group (CPEG) providing administrative, financial, and logistical support and contributing to the leadership of the organization. CPEG organizes the public economics sessions for the CEA’s annual meetings and hosts its own annual study group conference. The study group is open to all CEA researchers working in public finance, public economics, political economy, labour, health, education, environmental and related fields.
The JDI and the Queen’s Economics Department will host the 2023 annual CPEG meetings in October.
For more information, or to get involved, visit the CPEG website. https://www.cpeg.ca/
CPEG executive committee: Christopher Cotton (Queen’s), Maria Gallego (WLU),Ming Li (Concordia); Other Queen’s affiliated faculty: Md Moshi Ul Alam, Robin Boadway, Weili Ding, Steven Lehrer, Sitian Liu, Sumon Majumdar, Karen Ye
The JDI offers support for Queen’s faculty and graduate students to get involved with the Joint Initiative for Latin American Experimental Economics (JILAEE). The initiative is based out of UCEMA, in Buenos Aires, Argentina and is a joint research effort between UCEMA and the University of Chicago. It facilitates collaboration between academics, and private, public, and non-profit institutions in order to define research opportunities involving randomized evaluations and field experiments.
Karen Ye (Queen’s) co-directs the initiative. For more information, visit https://www.jilaee.org/
The JDI at Queen’s University and the Institute for Health Economics at the University of Alberta co-run Canada’s One Society Network, supporting cross-disciplinary research involving COVID-19 and other infectious disease modeling. The network receives funding from NSERC’s Emerging Infectious Disease Modeling (EIDM) program, which funds research efforts to improve Canada’s capacity at modeling infectious disease spread and policy impacts.
The network extends the broader network of EIDM researchers to build linkages and support collaboration between researchers across Canada in economics, epidemiology, public health, environmental science, education, and other fields.
For more information, or to get involved, visit the One Society Network website. https://onesocietynetwork.ca/
Project directors: Christopher Cotton (Queen’s) and Vic Adamowicz (Alberta). Other Queen’s based researchers: Huw Lloyd-Ellis (macroeconomic lead), Troy Day (epidemiology), Felicia Magpantay (epidemiology)
The industry and regulation research group in the Queen’s Economics Department brings together faculty and students working on issues related to industrial organization and financial regulation. The research group organizes several events at the Canadian Economics Association annual conference, and contributes to the organization of several specialized conferences every year, including the Montreal Summer Conference on Industrial Organization and the Annual Financial Intermediation and Regulation Conference.
Group Lead: Robert Clark
Affiliated Faculty: Mons Chan, Ricard Gil, Allen Head, Thorsten Koeppl, Frank Milne, Amy Hongfei Sun, Roger Ware, Nahim Bin Zahur
Members of the JDI working group on economic development are heavily involved in both academic research and the evaluation of economic development projects for public and non-profit organizations. The group includes experts on a wide range of topics including impact evaluation, cost benefit analysis, results-based funding opportunities, and economic growth.
Our faculty have worked with organizations such as the World Bank, World Health Organization, Gates Foundation, USAID, Millennium Challenge Corporation, UKAid/FCDO, World Vision, Nutrition International, and others. Much of this work is done through consulting groups such as Cambridge Resources International and Limestone Analytics, which provide opportunities for faculty and students (through Mitacs internships) to become involved with policy and project evaluations the firms have taken on for governments and NGOs. Some faculty members are also connected to the Abdul Latif Jameel Poverty Action Lab (J-PAL).
Affiliated Faculty: Moshi Ul Alam, Christopher Cotton, Glenn Jenkins, Bahman Kashi, Huw Lloyd-Ellis, Sumon Majumdar, Karen Ye
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