
Recent News

How Interprovincial Trade Barriers Hurt Canada’s Economy

Kingston, Canada – March 5, 2025 – The John Deutsch Institute (JDI) has released a new policy paper, Breaking Down Canada’s Internal Trade Barriers, co-authored by Professor Christopher Cotton and Dr. Daniel Teeter from Queen’s University. The report examines how divergent provincial regulations, licensing rules, and transportation restrictions are inflating costs, stifling competition, [...]

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Webinar: Overview of Macroeconomic Modeling for COVID

NSERC's One Society Network, in partnership with the JDI, is hosting a series of webinars providing researchers and policymakers an overview of various economic and epidemiology research. During the first event, Queen's economists will provide an overview of macroeconomic approaches to modeling the impact of COVID under various lockdown and recovery scenarios. Date: Feb 10th, 2022 at 2:00 pm [...]

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Queen’s Alumnus Wins Nobel Prize in Economics

By Brock Mutic, Queen's Student and JDI InternFeatured image provided by UC Berkeley October 2021 -- The Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences announced Monday that economist David Card, a graduate of Queen’s University, has won the 2021 Nobel Prize in Economics. A native of Guelph, Ontario, Dr. Card is a graduate of Queen’s University, having received a Bachelor of Arts in Economics in [...]

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QED Faculty and Students Engaged in COVID Research

May 2021 - The Queen’s Economics Department (QED) has been at the forefront of research into the COVID-19 pandemic. Studying the pandemic’s economic and social effects, QED faculty research has led the way in analyzing the effects of COVID on economic outcomes, producing instructive findings with implications for policy makers and governments. Members of the QED affiliated with the John [...]

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Queen’s Economists Awarded Major NSERC Grant to Build Interdisciplinary Research Connections Between Economists and Epidemiologists

May 2021 - Economists at Queen’s University have received a major grant from the Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada (NSERC) to build a Canada-wide network of researchers working at the intersection of public health, epidemiology, and economics. The Queen’s researchers are helping lead the team that won the two-year, $1.25 million grant through NSERC’s Emerging [...]

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Economics STUDIO Model Shapes COVID-19 Policy in Canada and Around the World

June 2021 - Since the onset of the pandemic, a group of Queen’s Economics Department (QED) researchers have had a remarkable influence on public discourse and government policy around COVID-19 lockdowns both in Canada and abroad. This influence has largely come through their STUDIO Economic Model, developed to help policymakers and public health officials estimate the economic costs associated [...]

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Failures of COVID-19 Policy Explored in New Book by QED Economists

May 2021 - A book proposal by faculty members from Queen’s Economics Department (QED) about the systemic failures in Canada relating to COVID-19, how these failures relate to failures during the 2008 Financial Crisis, and how governments can better prepare in the future, has been accepted for publication. The book, to be entitled “The Covid Pandemic and the Global Financial Crisis: [...]

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QED economic projections behind new Canadian Shield COVID-19 policy proposal

Jan 2021 - Prof. Christopher Cotton, JDI Director and Jarislowsky-Deutsch Chair in Economic & Financial Policy, joined Global Canada’s COVID Strategic Choices group as the senior academic economist. The group worked to compare the costs and benefits of alternative COVID-19 mitigation and reopening scenarios being considered by federal and provincial governments across Canada to help guide [...]

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QED Faculty release new economic modeling dashboard to assess the impact of COVID-19

A new economic model to measure the impact of COVID-19 lockdown policies has been developed by members of the QED and Limestone Analytics including Professors Huw Lloyd-Ellis, Christopher Cotton, and Bahman Kashi, along with Ph.D. candidate Frederic Temblay and researcher Brett Crowley. The model captures the interconnections between different industries and communities within Canada to [...]

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QED faculty named to the Royal Society of Canada COVID-19 Working Group on Economic Recovery.

Robin Boadway and Christopher Cotton were invited to participate on the RSC working group. Prof. Boadway is an Emeritus Professor and a leading authority on tax policy and basic income guarantees. Prof. Cotton is the Director of the JDI and the Jarislowsky Deutsch Chair in Economic Policy, and has been heavily involved in the modeling and analysis of COVID-19 lockdown policies since the beginning [...]

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Ph.D. Students Receive Mitacs Grants for COVID Research

Five Queen's Economics Department graduate students received rapid response research grants from Mitacs to work on COVID-19 research. Ph.D. students Ludovic Auger, Baiyou Chen, Rebecca Dafoe, Mehtab Hanzroh, and Nam Phan each received financial support to conduct research on different topics related to the impact of COVID-19 on economic outcomes over the summer of 2020. The funding was [...]

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QED economists receive a major Digital Technology Supercluster grant from the Canadian government.

A team of researchers from the Queen's Economics Department is behind the economic projections for the $2.4 million Looking Glass project funded by Canada’s Digital Technology Supercluster that will bring together state of the art economic and epidemiological modeling into an online policy analysis dashboard. The objective is to allow decision makers to explore both the projected health and [...]

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